our team


En Rama:  

definition: (adj) - unfiltered; literally -“from the branch”; pure.    



En Rama Sherry Co. started as a “pop-up” bar and event company, founded by nick africano and dana staley. we have now expanded to include an online club - Enramistas - and a sherry label, or bottling project, named Buelan Compañía De Sacas, . 

We cater to both industry and general consumers.  In conjunction with a curated list of sherries and cocktails, En Rama’s events serve small bites and “tapas” by rotating selections of chefs, showcasing each chef’s recipes (and restaurant) highlighting sherry’s versatility as one of the best wines with which to pair food.

We educate consumers, activate experts and aficionados, and offer new drinkers a chance to explore and discover the gift of sherry. 

Lastly, arts and culture are an essential part of En Rama.  We utilize experience-based events and pairings as gateways to a new, younger, open-minded generation of drinkers.  Just as in Spain, culture and food are integral to the understanding and enjoyment of vino de jerez.  By tethering sherry to an occasion, we widen its potential audience. 

Mission Statement:

Sherry is one of the world’s best beverages.  Its value is incomparable, its complexity and range of styles unrivaled.  Its spectrum of profiles offers something for everyone, yet its reputation and merit outside of the wine/restaurant industry is misconceived, at best, and mostly unknown. It is our dream to serve sherry exclusively in an inclusive environment.  To help grow sherry awareness in New York City and beyond in a friendly, non-dogmatic, non-didactic environment by offering all of its styles at affordable prices served by a knowledgeable staff. 

Find us on:

Instagram @enrama_sherryco & @enramistas